Thai massage ......
Thai Yoga is many things and can be many more. It depends on the necessity, desire, focus and skill of the practitioner in harmony with the necessity, desire, receptiveness and presence of the client. It is direct action of a healthful and beneficial nature. It is the expression of undiluted loving kindness in physical form. It is a picture of compassion made concrete and available in tangible form. And why not? Why should impartial, cold and sterile medical science be more productive, effective and appropriate than healing science based on the expression of one's love? For thousands of years real life experience has proven otherwise. Thai style healing therapies my be the most significant advance in physical medicine for the management of chronic pain and resuting disability. Thousand's of clients have received, finally, relief from chronic back pain, migraine headaches, soft tissue disorders and syndromes, complications of inflamatory process, lymphadema, and joint pain through this form of healing touch. The Dancing meditation of Thai Yoga is also special in that it seems to perfectly support and integrate with virtually every other conceivable healing method from Chiropractic and Osteopathy to Cranial Sacral and Chakra balancing. It's energetic focus on Sen lines or Thai "meridians" is similar to that of acupuncture and shiatsu.
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